A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked. Let them see you, Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please allow it.
— Jeanette LeBlanc

Are you in need of a space to join in circle with your sisters?

A place to be seen, heard, held, loved, just as you are. Then come and gather with the founder of Sacred Sister, Rev Laura Ireland at her home Sunnyside Retreat, ideally situated in Laverton, between Bath/Frome/Trowbridge. We aim to meet on the last Friday of every month and you can check the dates on our booking link. 

Laura has been creating and holding circle for many years and listened to thousands of women over her 30 year career as a therapist, and it is time for her to begin to host spaces back in her own community. To be in service to those that are local as well as those who meet online, to be able to really feel the love that we connect too when we are in physical presence, held in sacred space, with the 7 principles of Sacred Sister, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness, Inclusivity, Courage, Non-Judgement, Radical Acceptance and all of them with LOVE and TRUST at the heart of everything we do.

The yurt, at Sunnyside Retreat is the perfect space for you to feel held as it has been set up as a sacred space, specifically for workshops, retreats and to rest into the holding that a circular space creates along with an abundance of cushions, sheepskins, blankets, sofas, water and herbal teas.

We create space for just 12 women in our circle each time we gather, so that every sister has an opportunity to speak and share should they wish, and for some deep magic to be created as we bond together for this time. Speaking into a space of women can feel daunting, indeed even the first step of booking to attend can be scary, most of us at some time or another have been in difficult situations with women in our lives. Connecting to this space, will bring about so much healing for you. We are all in this safe container together, and you will have the chance to learn about each other, but more importantly, and likely the deepest journey you will go on, is with yourself.

    After booking your spot, you will receive details of how to locate us. We invite car sharing as much as possible, to avoid issues with parking, but also to support our environment too, we will support you to facilitate a lift to get to us if you need one.

  • We ask that you aim to arrive with us for 7pm, but not later than 7.20pm, so give yourself plenty of time. We will begin our circle at 7.30pm prompt and aim to complete with a short fire ceremony at 9.30pm.

  • The intention is to enable the group to take the collective journey that is called for, but to ensure this is rooted in the simplicity and purity that has shown itself to be the beating heart of the Sacred Sister circles. 

  • It is Lauras role to hold the space, to feel into the needs of those that have gathered together and to design each circle based on the emergent needs of this beautiful co-created community. 

  •  Your role is to commit to the circle, enter the space with an undefended heart and to trust the process. That is all.

  • This is not a group coaching session; it is is a co-created experience which each participant enters with a curious heart, hungry soul and emerges with a renewed and revived connection to yourself, to others and the sisterhood. We cannot promise particular outcomes; this journey has proved itself over and over, to offer unique transformation for every individual. What we can promise is safety, depth, richness and a magical experience.


There is a mysterious power in being ‘held’ in a women’s group of this kind. Women who have undertaken the journey have described:

  • Increased confidence

  • A deeper connection to self

  • A feeling of true belonging

  • An ability to make bold, aligned decisions

  • Stronger Boundaries

  • A renewed sense of hope and creativity

  • A deeper belief in themselves and their sisters

  • A healing that connects them to there own innate nature and inner knowing


The suggested donation for these evenings is £18 but there is no right or wrong amount, so please never let money be an issue, you are not paying when you book, you will make your donation into the pot on the night by way of our energy exchange, but I do ask that you are committed to the space once you book, so that we don't leave any seat empty, as they are always in need. Of course we understand that sometimes things have to change, but if you can make sure, that Laura is aware that you cannot not make it, as soon as you can, so that the space can become available for another sister, that would be hugely appreciated. 

On the night, bring what you need to support you, it is always a good idea to wear comfy layers so that you can adjust to your needs as your body changes during the time we are together, perhaps your journal, something to sit on the altar to collect the energy of the circle to carry home with you.

Please do share and invite those around you, it is important that all women know they are welcome and that there is a place for them here. 

“The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak, and sing with us when we are strong.”

— Sark