Autumn Gathering


Sister Celebration, time for some fun, laughs & joy, remembering the medicine of Sisterhood

Friday 27th Sept - Monday 30th Sept 2024

closing ceremony 4pm on Sunday 29th September for those who need to leave us early.

Dear Sisters,

UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart that for the first time in the history of the gatherings we are having to cancel our Autumn Gathering due to low numbers. I understand that for many of you life is a very real struggle right now, and there are often many last minute bookings, but we offer a deposit and instalment scheme for this reason, to hope that we can make it as accessible to those who need it, and I also hear for many, your just exhausted right now, and the weather is a further factor……….so the decision has been made. I would love you to stay connected, share in the facebook community more, there are some exciting things happening there, and we have our woodland connection retreat coming up too.

With love for the darker months ahead

Laura X

Are you ready to dive deeper into our community and reconnect with your true essence? Do you feel the longing in your heart to heal old wounds and step into your power with connection and authenticity, fun & joy. We often get caught in the reality that "‘doing the work!’ is hard, painful, tiring, full of tears, and YES all of this can be true, but this weekend is all about the play, the fun, the laughs, the reminder that just being together in a space, resting, dancing, singing, eating together, is the magic space of healing!

I invite you to join me for a transformative weekend that promises to ignite your soul and awaken your spirit. In the loving embrace of our community, you'll find the support and encouragement you need to reclaim your voice, embrace your wild and sacred heart, and rediscover the essence of who you truly are.
I am inviting you to join me for a special gathering of remarkable women, and that includes YOU. Together we will be celebrating all that it is to be a woman, and to know the deepening of sisterhood. SISTERHOOD is the medicine. It is where we heal, create, connect, transform, and where we springboard from when we take all that we have connected with back into our homes and our lives.

WE ARE NOT a festival, consider this weekend a BIG retreat. Throughout the weekend, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guided by the wisdom and strength of sisterhood. Together, we'll peel back the layers of conditioning and societal expectations to reveal the radiant truth that lies within each of us.

Will you  embark on this journey with me? Let's write the next chapter of our collective story - one of empowerment, growth, and boundless sisterhood.

With love and anticipation,

Laura - Founder of Sacred Sister & Your host for the Gathering

I will be joined and supported by a stand out core team of sisters, who are rooted and embodied space holders, Earth keepers, creators and exceptional facilitators to support and anchor in our sacred container of transformation and joy.

  • Connection & Healing

    An opportunity to journey together through the connections we will find within the space, both in the wider gathering, but also those deeper connection we will make with ourselves. Those parts of us, that are ready to be brought back home.

  • Relaxation & Rest

    Time to be with yourself, perhaps have a massage, soothe yourself with your journal, sleep in the gaps, connect with the nature of the land. Chat, make new lifelong friends, and reconnect with old ones.

  • A Safer Container

    A safe structure, to explore your own triggers, so that you can seek to heal old wounds, therefore enabling you to feel safer in the sisterhood. A space where you can be free to explore your own story. A journey of self discovery through learning ancient ways of healing.

  • Ceremony & Ritual

    From the co-creation of our first moment together, the songs we will sing, the ways we will move, the sharing of our sacred agreement, the lighting of our fire, the sharing of food, to the Cacao and Celebration times, and or powerful closing ceremony, the weekend will be held as a sacred space of ceremony and ritual.

  • Workshops & Classes

    Our weekend gathering, is like a BIG retreat. We follow a flow through the weekend, with deep diving process, inner dance, creativity and healing. Everything we offer you is by invitation, but we would encourage you to dive in, our beautiful, highly experienced team will hold you throughout the weekend, so we invite you to lean in.

  • Nurturing Food

    We will be inviting you to bring food to share for the Friday night, feasting in true community style. All food is included in your donation for the gathering, and will be simple, beautiful, nurturing, vegan and gluten free.

    Sharing food is an important part of community life.

Whats on Offer!

3 days/nights camping on beautiful sacred land, where many women have gathered before you, with abundant nature, held safely away from the outside world, with a lake, a barn, a kitchen, hot shower, flushing toilets, and an amazing energy that allows you to truly rest in!

A beautiful pot luck feast on Friday night, that you all bring to connect your offerings together. Fully Inclusive Saturday & Sunday and Breakfast for those staying till Monday. Nurturing & Nourishing food, that we eat together as a community.

A place to stay, choose from sharing in the barn, a bell tent, or bring your own tent of camper van, no extra charge.

Inner Dance & Sound Journeys


Music & Song

Tea & Cacao Ceremonies, Rituals.

Powerful and Connecting Opening and Closing Ceremonies

An opportunity for learning, healing, connection, with a community of like minded sisters, in a mix of ages, from our maidens thorough to our wise elders, we are beginning to create a new flow for Sacred Sister as a community and we are excited to be sharing it with you.

This weekend is over 18’s only.

What we are!

A membership circle of amazing sisters. We attain to be a Safer Container for you to drop into, whatever you need in that moment allowing presence, space and support. To nurture, hold and listen when needed. We are an inclusive space for all women, womb holders, born and socialised as female. Inclusive of all cultures, faiths, colour, who you love, I can’t list all the amazing flavours we have as a sisterhood because I would miss someone and offend others for sure. If you are unsure if this space if for you, then please do reach out Our gatherings are a way for us to come together as a community of like minded, open hearted women, who are ready for magic! Imagine a retreat weekend, but with 44 sisters, where the most amazing transformations become possible, just by feeling safe enough to do so!

What we are not!

We are not a festival/event/entertainment, although all of these things will come about from the co-creation we bring together. We are not here to bring you a big production. We are not an event that just rocks up once a year to create a party, we are here to support you through building a sustainable community that is here for you at all times.

What to bring with you!

Forage/Find/Borrow/Purchase/Bring with you: a loo roll, bin bag, a log for the communal fire, cozy layers, sparkly disco goddess outfit to celebrate yourself in, water bottle, cozy blankets, a comfy seat if you need one, rug, yoga mat, tent (although we have some ready made tent options for you too), your best tea cup/mug, plate, bowl, cutlery, (we do not supply any utensils for eating, no disposables on site so please bring your own), non-alcoholic beverages, herbal tea bags to share at our tea station, snacks, pack your wellies (then it won’t rain!), your suncream, hat, bug spray to protect your soft skin from being bitten, towel, bedding, your teddy bear, favourite book, journal, a power supply to charge your own phone if you need to have it on, something for the altar and the living mandala. This is YOUR time, make it special, be comfy, bring what you need!!

What not to bring!

We create a clean container, and we work hard to keep it this way, so we discourage drugs and alcohol at our gatherings, in order to keep the vibe high, in a natural way. We will not accept any alcohol on site, if you need to drink to have fun, we are not the gig for you.

Your Kids. The container we are bringing to you, is one where you can drop into just being you, and this doesn’t happen so easily if there are children on site. Your energy will have to be with your children, and this is YOUR time. Many of us have to find childcare, and have to juggle this time, but I promise you it will be worth it.

No Animals, sorry, but wildlife is abundant, and we cannot have animals on this land, plus this weekends journey is deep, and just like having kids, your time will need to be with them, and we want to invite you to drop in fully with us.

Our Home for the weekend!

We are heading back to a beautiful location, that I feel truly blessed to have used many times, and it always allows the deep holding of the feminine energy that we bring. The aim is to bring everyone together using the beauty of the old barn as our main home. Consider this weekend, like a giant sleep over! I am welcoming you to the hearth of our home for this weekend, and I am excited to see how it moves us all.

It is a precious space and as always the wildlife, flora and fauna have priority. How we treat them, where we park, camp, clean up behind us, all has an impact and has been thought through with the deepest of respect for the land, so please come with an open heart to be kind and adhere to the instructions given on your arrival, especially if the land happens to be wet.

The full details of the location will go out to you once you have made your donation for this years gathering, so as to keep the container safe and held, but to say that it is stunning, within easy reach of Bath Spa train station, Frome, Shepton Mallet, Devon, Bristol, London, Cardiff. All within 2 hours and easy reach.

We have flushing toilets on-site , hot showers and we ask you to respect these spaces, if we all look after our village together everyone feels the love.

Food & Nourishment!

Your all inclusive ticket for this gathering will include your food for Saturday and Sunday. All will be gluten free & vegan, with a variety of options to suit many dietary requirements, but please connect with us if you have very specific requirements, and be prepared to bring additions to supplement yourself if you need too. Bring your favourite chocolate and snacks that you love, so that this weekend feels like you are really treating yourself, and of course there will be cake!!!

We will NOT be catering for Friday night, this is our time to lean into a big feast together……we invite you to bring a dish to share, please make it gluten free and vegan where possible. This really is a reach back to ancient times, when women would gather to cook, eat, feed the village together.

Sleepy Village!

Decide how and where you want to wild camp……there are 20 acres all together so there will be a choice of places you can camp, park up, be accessible…….

If you want to travel light how about booking a free space in a bell tent already set up for you, on a beautiful spot on the land……… or if you feel like you would prefer a roof over your head, you are welcome to bunk down with your bed in the barn.

Bringing a vehicle to sleep in, let us know, camper, caravan, car, fire engine, tank…….we have seen it all over the years, you can book your live in vehicle spot through our booking system, but if you have an exceptionally large vehicle please email me for a chat. We have very limited space for camper vans, and we will try to accommodate every sisters requirements, but it helps to have a chat first.

The site is flat for camping, all is close by, but there will be NO cars in the actual camping space. But all is easy, and we HELP each other. More hands make light work, so there will always be a sister to help jump in and make the setting up of your home a little easier, accepting the help and support can often be the first healing we go through on site! Dropping into the receiving of love and support.

If you require an easier spot for accessible camping, and toilet facilities, please let us know so we can give you a call for a chat and make your time with us as comfortable as possible.

Your Exchange - Book NOW - don’t miss this one!

We are keeping this gathering to a beautifully small and perfectly rounded number of 44 radiant souls, as we dive deeply into our sister stories and connect in with what truly needs to heal, allowing us back to our one wild and precious, sacred heart.

We understand that taking the first step into a new community can be intimidating. That flutter of uncertainty is natural, but rest assured, you're not alone. We've all stood on the threshold of the unknown, feeling the tremble of anticipation. Know that here, in this circle of love and acceptance, you are welcomed with open arms. You've got this, sister!

You are welcome to commit to your space by paying a £100 deposit and the rest will be invoiced.

£288 is your investment and this will include all your food from Breakfast Saturday to Breakfast Monday if you choose to stay with us on Sunday evening. Camping in your own tent, Car Parking, The Gathering itself, workshops/talks/etc……It will not include dinner Friday night as we are holding a pot luck feast as mentioned above.


We eagerly await the opportunity to celebrate the unique beauty that is YOU. Together, let's weave a tapestry of love, support, and boundless joy.

See you in the circle!