Magic, Healing & Empowerment happen when women gather, learn and heal together.

Welcome Sacred Sister

All of you is welcome here, just as you are, you are home.

Welcome Sister, You are Home……..

Gathering is something we have done for all of eternity, in ceremony, celebration, in groups and community to strengthen and connect, to heal, regenerate, play, worship and connect.

As women we have so much to heal, just to be able to begin to trust each other once again. We do this for ourselves, for the sisterhood and for those outside of our circle - for that which occurs within a sacred container of genuine unconditional love and acceptance, ripples out beyond all time and space.

Our connection with the great mother, our earth pulses deep within all of us, and we come together to exchange our unique gifts, medicine, expression, and to celebrate each other and all life, in all it beautiful phases. Sacred Sister Gatherings both online and in person are inclusive spaces, where all women are held as equal. They are places for of co-creation, liberation, with radical acceptance, non-judgement, forgiveness, kindness, compassion and love at the heart of everything we do. Created to empower, activate, celebrate and unite our soul family. Join us to find your tribe, and embody your unique divine purpose, as a sacred sister, a divine mother, a daughter of the universe, an empowered leader, light worker, healer, and all that you are, knowing that all of you is always welcome here, just as you are, in every moment.

Thank you for hearing the call of our hearts longing to heal together.

The poet Rumi reminds us

“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.”

For any of us to make peace with and respect the individuality of the others is not possible if we do not accept and make peace with our own individuality and our individual struggles and triumphs. We are all here to find our way in this world, to learn, to grow, to share, to find a way to BE not always to DO.

Thank you for BE-ing!

Find out more about our beautiful gathering…

It can be scary to think about gathering with a group of women that you have never met, but in our field there are no strangers, just sisters you have not yet met. The love and support that we hold close in creating our safe container for all, makes it a magical space, and the co-creation brings about the most amazing deep weekend.