The Power of Circles

Reclaiming Connection and Healing Through Sisterhood

There’s a certain kind of magic that happens when women gather in a circle. A magic that is ancient, deep, and woven into the very fabric of our beings. Throughout history, circles have been sacred spaces where women come together to support one another, share their stories, and reconnect with the essence of who they are. It’s a tradition that, for many, has been lost in today’s fast-paced world - a world that often celebrates competition over collaboration, isolation over connection.

I want to share with you why I believe so strongly in the power of circles, and why I’ve dedicated myself to creating and holding these spaces for women through Sacred Sister.

The Beginning of My Journey

As a child, I never felt like I truly belonged. I didn’t fit into any of the usual boxes - wasn’t the cool kid, the sporty one, or the academic achiever. And as I grew older, things didn’t get easier. I began to get attention for the way my body changed, which only made me feel more alienated. Instead of feeling seen, I felt scrutinised - sometimes by boys, but often by other girls who seemed to view me as competition.

That longing to belong, to feel accepted, stayed with me for years. It wasn’t until I was 25, working in a top spa in Saudi Arabia, that everything changed. I was invited to a women’s circle by someone who had become a friend. Walking into that room, I had no idea what to expect - but what I found was nothing short of transformative.

I was welcomed into the safest space I had ever experienced with other women. For the first time, I was truly seen and heard, accepted without judgment or expectation. There was no competition, no need to prove myself. I could simply be. I was the youngest in the room, this was often the case for me, I felt ok to be me around older women somehow, and yet I had already lived so much life. Poor relationships, several miscarriages, domestic violence at the hands of my first marriage which only lasted 13 months, owning my own business, travel, living in different countries, honestly, I had so much to share, and yet at first I found myself thinking, what do I have to bring here! Until I realised that I had already brought it, I had brought myself and that was enough. I sat feeling scared, because I was used to being told I was wrong somehow, having my voice invalidated. But as soon as I found that moment to connect to myself and the safety I was feeling in my body, I knew it was ok, I was already accepted, it felt so natural, it felt like home!

That experience opened my eyes to something powerful - something I’d been missing all my life. I realised that so many of us carry wounds from feeling disconnected, unseen, or judged by other women. But in that circle, I saw how healing those wounds became possible when we come together in genuine sisterhood.

Why Circles Are So Powerful

The power of a circle goes beyond just sitting in a group. Circles are spaces of equality, where every woman has a voice, and every story is valued. The shape of the circle itself symbolises unity and wholeness - there’s no hierarchy, no one at the "top" or "bottom." We are all equal, connected, and held in a space of deep listening and compassion.

When we sit in a circle, something remarkable happens: we begin to unravel. Our nervous systems, often in a state of hyper-vigilance from years of competition, stress, and societal pressure, finally get a chance to rest. We stop “performing” and start being. It’s a space where we can let go of the masks we wear, and allow our authentic selves to emerge.

In the world today, where so many women still experience feelings of isolation, insecurity, and judgment, circles offer a sanctuary. They provide a space where we can safely express our emotions, share our struggles, and heal from past wounds. It’s a space where we don’t have to compete, but can instead support one another in our growth and transformation.

The Healing of Collective Sisterhood

We live in a time where the wounds of separation run deep - both personally and collectively. In a society that often pits women against each other, reclaiming the power of sisterhood can be radical. And healing.

When we come together in a circle, we reclaim what has been lost - connection, support, understanding. We heal not only ourselves but also the generations of women before us who were denied this kind of community. And by doing so, we create a new way forward for our daughters, showing them that they too can find strength in sisterhood rather than fear or judgment.

I have seen the transformative power of these circles firsthand. Women who enter feeling disconnected or lost leave with a renewed sense of purpose, belonging, and love. The circle provides a space for us to be witnessed in our vulnerability, and to witness others in theirs. And in that exchange, profound healing occurs.

Creating Spaces for Healing

This is why I now hold circles, and why I train others to do the same. It is important to say that not all circles are created the same. I believe so deeply that we need these spaces in our world. Spaces where women can come together, not to compete, but to connect. Not to be judged, but to be held. These circles allow us to access parts of ourselves we may have forgotten - our softness, our intuition, our power. BUT without safety, these spaces can also become a place for re-traumatising old wounds. I teach from a place of deep understanding, connection and within a sacred agreement, that allows each woman to say what she needs to feel safe in our space. I never take for granted that what makes me feel safe, will also make you feel safe, that would be naive of me, so we talk in terms of safer space, not safe space, we are always looking to create the safest space possible for each woman present, this is my vow to this work.

Circles aim to be spaces of deep healing, where we can release the tensions and traumas we carry and reconnect to our authentic selves. Circles teach us to listen - to ourselves and to each other. They help us learn how to hold space, both for our own emotions and for others, in a way that is compassionate and non-judgmental.

For so many of us, the experience of being in a women’s circle is a return home. It’s a reminder that we are never truly alone, that we are all connected through our shared experiences, and that when we come together, we are capable of extraordinary things.

A Call to Step Into Sisterhood

If you’ve never been in a circle, or if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, I invite you to step into this sacred space with us. Whether you’re feeling called to heal your own heart, to connect with other women, or even to learn how to hold these spaces for others, you are welcome.

We have regular online and in person circles, and our next cohort of training is coming up and we have just a few spaces left, so check this out on our website.

Now more than ever, the world needs women who are willing to show up for themselves and for each other. It needs us to reclaim the power of sisterhood, to stand in our truth, and to create spaces of healing and connection for those around us.

Because, dear sister, we belong to each other. And in these circles, you will find that you belong. Just as you are.

With love and blessings,
Laura Ireland
Founder of Sacred Sister

For more information on our circles or training, visit: Sacred Sister Circle Training


Autumn a great time for foraging!