Jax Bull

Interfaith Minister, Counsellor, Breathwork Therapist, Circle and Chakra Dancing Facilitator

I’m Jax, a counsellor, guide, breathwork and chakra dancing facilitator, creator of everyday magical ceremony and mother. My work moves people from stuck patterns, fear and anxiety to serenity and peace by guiding them back to themselves.

My most profound realisation in the last few years has been the living ceremony that is always happening within our bodies, our breath.

I facilitate a conscious, connected breath from the rebirthing tradition.

Your breath that is a loving gateway to you gently experiencing all that you are, enabling you to heal and integrate trauma, so that you can remember your magnificence.

What does circle mean to you? 

It’s where I have found I most belong, where I am reflected, heard and it offers deeper and deeper levels of healing the more I hold and attend them.

How have you felt inspired/empowered by women’s circles? 

The spectrum of human emotion sits in a circle, from laughter to tears, truth to vulnerability. I have had some of my biggest ‘that’s why I do that’ moments within a circle of women.

What does supporting this training mean to you?

 Im so excited and grateful to be part of this training, to hold space while you experience the living ceremony of your breath as well as a deeper understanding of the trauma we hold in our bodies.

 I cant wait to meet you.

Website: https://www.Theserenitypractice.com

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theserenitypractice

 Joint venture with Tanya Forgan for mixed race womenhttps://www.instagram.com/our_blended_roots