Jen Moss

Shamanic Energy Healer, Angelic Reiki Master, Bach Flower & Vibrational Remedy Therapist, Nutritionist BSc (Hons) & Holistic Health Coach, Transformation Guide 

I’m Jen a multi-disciplinary holistic and spiritual practitioner with a passion for empowering others to be their own best healer!  

Professionally I am a trained Shamanic Energy Healer, Angelic Reiki Master, Bach Flower & Vibrational Remedy Therapist, Nutritionist BSc (Hons) & Holistic Health Coach, Transformation Guide & more. 

Creating safe and authentic healing spaces in harmony with mother earth is a key part of my life's path and I love enabling others to develop relationships with the native plants of our lands here in the UK.  

One of my most sacred plant teachers is Lady Mugwort, and I am honoured to work with her to support others in cultivating sacred relationship with her for healing and to open a door to the plant spirit world. I regularly run ceremonies at retreats and festivals, and also hold month long online Mugwort Journeys for deep healing and growth.  

Astrology is a guiding light of my life, and I continue to learn this sacred and complex art each day through study and life experience. For me it is one of the biggest tools for personal growth and enables move through the world with more ease and grace.  

I am honoured to be able to share wisdom within this Sacred Sister Circle Training around holding circles which are in tune with current energetics and themes. I will also be sharing guidance on how you can incorporate the natural world into your circles to potentiate and deep the experience for all present.   

Central to all my work is enabling you drop into flow, activate your inner wisdom and empower you to step forward on your unique soul’s path.  

To find out more about my work follow me on Facebook 

Holistic Connection


Or sign up to my contacts list here 

What does circle mean to you?  

Circle has had a huge impact on my life, it’s central to my healing journey of remembering who I am, what I stand for and how I wish to show up in the world.  

How have you felt inspired/empowered by women’s circles?  

For me personally circle has been a place to grow, to learn, to laugh, cry, to find my voice, share my truth and become the most authentic version of me. 

What does supporting this training mean to you? 

I find Sacred Sister and Laura to be a special and real community of women finding their purpose and their tribe so it is an honour to be part of the team supporting this training,