Autumn is coming!

Embracing Autumn: A Season of Transformation and Reflection

As the air cools and the leaves begin to turn, we are gently invited to pause and embrace the transition that autumn brings. This season of vibrant colours and shifting energy offers us a chance to slow down, reflect, and connect deeply with ourselves and the natural world around us, and yet, everything within me wants to fight it. I have a love/hate relationship with Autumn, especially when we have not had the best summer, it didn’t really warm up at all, and having spent most of the summer in fields, I can say that wholeheartedly, I was still wrapping up every evening.

Yet, there is a part of me that loves the changing season. I am early riser so already the darker mornings are showing themselves, but that also means I get to watch the sunrise. The leaves are changing, the colours are amazing, the blue sky as I look out right now and the slight confusion of what to wear, is it cold enough for cosy jumpers yet!

My emotions too go up and down. I find myself trying hard to land at home after the busyness of summer, instead of spring cleaning I am autumn cleaning, preparing for the winter ahead. My food choices change, my mood changes, I seem to be feeling alot right now, and the tears, well they seem to be coming easily. I of course cannot just blame that on the season, but there is a melancholy air that autumn brings with it for me.

The Beauty of Letting Go Autumn reminds us of the beauty in letting go. Just as the trees shed their leaves to prepare for winter, we too can release what no longer serves us - whether it's outdated beliefs, habits, or even relationships. Let this be a time of clearing space for growth, where you can set down the burdens of the past and open yourself to new possibilities. Those who know me, will know that this idea of LETTING GO, is one I find incredible. Yet at this time, I find the acceptance of what has been, and what is, somehow easier. That then allows me the space to set down the things that I no longer need to carry with me. Like setting down a large bag of burdens, that are not a part of my life anymore, so why am I still carrying them with me. My body has been struggling after the busyness of summer, I am nursing a broken nose, a big message to slow down and pay attention. So I have embarked on a beautiful journey with an extraordinary chiropractor who speaks my language. Yesterday we set in a new affirmation to work with……

My age old affirmation is that ‘I love myself’ because believe it or not, I am my hardest critic. I can be really mean in my self talk and can find myself totally lost in a world that is full of old habits. Yesterday that affirmation changed, because I had a big realisation that what holds me back is the fear of what others might think, that they will somehow abandon me if I say or do the wrong thing, so I stay small, I play the good girl, I wait for someone else to step in, take the ideas and run with them, incase they fail, leading to more judgement and criticism, because sadly the rest of the world do not live by the same agreements that I do in life. BUT that has to change, for this next evolution of Sacred Sister and the journey we are on together. I have to be brave and that includes not worrying about whats might think of me, so my new affirmation as we head into these Autumn months is ‘ I love myself, regardless of what others may say or think of me’ Now I know that one is going to take some believing and that it will take some deep work to find that belief, but I am ready for it!

A Time for Reflection and Gratitude Yesterday I finally gave myself permission again, to sit, to just be, to write in my journal, to hear the words being shared with me on the ether, to remember how grateful I am for this precious life. In the busy rush of life, it's easy to overlook the importance of stillness. Autumn invites us to pause and reflect on the journey we've been on so far this year. What have you learned? What experiences have shaped you? This season also encourages us to cultivate gratitude for the abundance we've received, much like the harvest that comes to fruition at this time of year.

Connection to Nature It is time, time to get out of the house. Nature's rhythm is slower now, offering us a chance to deepen our connection to the earth. Spend time outside, notice the way the colors of the trees shift each day, feel the crispness in the air, and ground yourself in the present moment. Nature can serve as a gentle guide, reminding us to align with the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

Nurturing Ourselves and Each Other As the days grow shorter, we often feel the need to retreat inward. This is a wonderful time to nourish ourselves with warmth - whether through comforting meals, cosy environments, or meaningful rituals. It's also a time to lean into the support of community, where we can share the stories of our journey and find strength in the connections we build with others. I have just given our living room an Autumn clean. We don’t spend anytime there in the summer as we are away so much. But it is where the fire is. It is where the TV lives for snuggling with movie nights. It is where we slow down and rest. It now feels so lush, and cosy, even the kids commented on it. Where is your space for the darker months ahead?

Welcoming Change Change can sometimes feel daunting, but autumn shows us that transformation is both natural and beautiful. As the season unfolds, allow yourself to embrace the changes happening within and around you. Be open to the new paths that might emerge and trust in your ability to adapt and thrive.

Autumn Rituals for Sacred Connection

  1. Journaling for Release: Take time to journal about the things you're ready to let go of. Reflect on how they've shaped you and express gratitude for the lessons before releasing them.

  2. Seasonal Nature Walks: Connect with the earth by taking mindful walks in nature. Notice the colors, sounds, and smells that define autumn, and let them inspire a sense of peace and presence.

  3. Cosy Rituals at Home: Create a space of warmth and comfort in your home. Light candles, brew herbal tea, and embrace the cosiness of the season as a form of self-care.

  4. Gratitude Practice: Start each day by reflecting on three things you're grateful for. This simple practice can help you stay grounded in the abundance that surrounds you.

As we move through autumn, may we honour the beauty in both release and transformation, and may we find deeper connection to ourselves, to each other, and to the natural world.

Join our 21 day connection time which will be happening in our free facebook community. You do not have to ride this time of change alone.

Laura Ireland

Founder of Sacred Sister


Autumn a great time for foraging!


The Sisterwound!