Sacred Sister Gatherings


Through the year we gather, as women have all over the world for centuries. Come and rediscover the ancient ways of being with women in community.

✻ Sacred Sister gatherings bring women together under the stars for a life-altering weekend — blooming with pure love, special moments of healing connection, devotion to ourselves, each other, and the land. 

✻ Weaving together the best moments of a festival, a camp, community living and a big retreat — we co-create this magical space together at pivotal moments throughout the year.

The power of women

It’s more important than ever for women to gather to be supported by each other, and lift each other up through connection. Women who have felt lost and isolated for years come to our events on their own, and go home with real sisterhood and an inner light rekindled.

We come from all walks of life to connect through our open hearts. To know each other’s souls, on a quest to speak and love openly, freely, authentically, to heal deeply, and to embody our full potential.

Creativity and connection. Revelry and relaxation. 

Above all, this is a space where you will be heard. We share our stories around fires. We hold hands with strangers as they become sisters, gazing at the stars. We eat, dance, sing, laugh, cry, and sometimes howl at the moon. 

✻ From the sauna under the stars to our comfy tipi and tents, there’s so many spaces to relax and unwind while getting to know each other. Rediscovering the natural ways of making friends, deepening connections, and learning how to express who we truly are. 

Co-created magic

✻ Our gatherings are co-created, which means wonderful, delightful surprises and spontaneous magic can and will happen.

✻ We create a beautiful structure and flow to the day, rather than a full programme of things you feel you must attend to get your monies worth, and that allows space for the magic. We attract luminaries and leaders who share their transformational healing with us in the most generous, inspiring ways. 

✻ We invite you to share what feels right for you! If you have skills to share — amazing. If you feel you have no skills to share, let us experience the natural wonder that you are, just by BE-ing present. (Although we know you have amazing talents, that will reveal themselves when you find yourself in the safe and warm embrace of our community!)

Ideas for skill sharing and co-creating… share a story, sing a song, check on the facilities, peel some veg, create an awesome altar, tend the fire, host a dance, take part in a circle. 

✻ All of you is welcome, and we will support you to show up just as you are, and empower you to be a part of the community.

Traders & Performers 

✻ If you are usually someone who comes to sell their wares, perform on stage, tell a story, offer some therapies, you are most welcome. We invite you to pay your donation to the gathering and be a part of what we are co-creating together. There will be no additional pitch fees for a stall, no specific time-table, no preferential stage times. It all comes together over the weekend, and it will be beautiful. It is the biggest experiment of trust there is. To just show up, and know that it will be amazing just as it is, and just as you are.

Life changed when I entered a field full of women I had not met before. It was a scary moment as I wondered if I would be accepted, judged, understood, but I soon realised that the space Laura had created was so safe, held, and it felt like the whole space was held by a beautiful hug in loving arms. Since attending the gathering life has opened up in such beautiful ways. Something truly healed in me that weekend, and it is now a part of my calendar ever year, I would not miss it for the world!
— Shelley

Healing the sister wound

The Story of our Gatherings

Sacred Sister Gathering was set up by Laura Ireland after creating many festivals and events over the past twenty years. 

It can be scary for most of us to think about being in a field of women, as so many of us have had difficult experiences with other women in the past. Laura set up Sacred Sister Gathering to support the healing of this deep sisterhood wound that we all carry. This is a safe as possible space, where we rediscover what it means to support and nurture each other as women.

The ultimate intention was always to create a deep space for every woman present, with a place for everyone. Many hands lighten the load as everyone pulls together, along with her dedicated team of women, including electrician, sound tech, plumber, creativity, structures, caterers and everything else that you could possibly think might need to happen on a site over a weekends event, we have it all covered. 

We have a beautiful crew of loving men, who support us to create the space before we gather, in helping us to put up structures, transport equipment etc, along with looking after our kids and holding space for us women on the outside world so that we can drop in more deeply, without being mum, lover, cook, cleaner, navigator, instigator and all the other things we have to hold in our day to day life.

Meeting as equals

Here we co-create the most magical of community spaces, where we all meet as equals. There are no labels - no workshop leaders, no space holders, no cleaners, no performers, no market stalls, no busy program. However there are awesome women gathering to share their skills, joining together to co-create and make a village. Our home for 4 days, with LOVE in its heart and a FIRE in its belly.