Circle Training

Join Us in Healing and Connection

There is so much pain in the world, especially among women. For eons, we have been subtly and overtly called to compete with each other in countless ways. We are bursting at the seams with situations that evoke fear and threat at every corner - tragedy, climate change, abuse, white supremacy, the challenges of motherhood, divisive words and actions, bullying, disconnection, loneliness, competition, agonies both expressed and suppressed.

Yet, amid this turmoil, there is a beacon of hope. The offering of reconnection - of coming back into tribe, circle, community - may seem like a small step in the face of such overwhelming challenges. But every gathering we hold, I witness profound change. I know this is one small way to create a kinder, more compassionate world where healing, learning, and respect can flourish.

I believe in the power of circle, retreats, gatherings, connections to heal in their own precious way.

Join us in this mission to truly make a difference in the world, the change starts with YOU.

With love and deep honouring

Laura - Founder of Sacred Sister

  • Online Calls

    Once a fortnight to take you through the steps of creating safer space and empowering you to facilitate circles, workshops, retreats, gatherings in your own community. A foundational structure, that gives you the basic understanding of creating circle, so that you can feel prepared moving forward.

  • Support To Find Your Own Unique Style

    The journey will support you to find your own unique style, to create the circle that your heart wants to express in the world. We will not set themes, rigid structure & format. We believe that your circles will be more powerful when you find your authenticity, we will seek to inspire this within you.

  • A Safe Container

    A safe structure, to explore your own triggers, so that you can seek to heal old wounds, therefore enabling you to feel safe to share circle in your own community. A space where you can be free to explore your own story. A journey of self discovery through learning ancient ways of healing.

  • Finding your tribe through circle

    Regular opportunities to dive into circle and experience what it is to be in circle first hand. Therefore facilitating from your own learned experience. An experience of sisterhood, with much individual and group healing along the way. With an emphasis on your own daily practice.

  • Inner circle of ongoing support

    Ongoing group and individual support, regular opportunity to meet online and in person. Comprehensive 4 month online training, means you can join from anywhere in the world. Regular Q & A Sessions. An inner circle of support to allow you to blossom further post training.

  • Masterclasses to build confidence

    Guest Mentors, sharing masterclasses in anti-racism, inclusivity & Diversity, breathe work, trauma informed practices, moon phases, conscious connection, consent, sacred agreements, soul led business, allowing you to feel confident to share your new skills in your community.

What’s inside - 8 modules of learning

Module One - ARRIVING

✻ Introduction to the course, tools & each other

✻ Her-story & The Power of Circle

✻ Ritual & Ceremony

✻ Deepening your own journey

✻ Finding Your WHY?

Module Two - AWAKENING

Guest Facilitator - Tanya Forgan

Inclusivity, Diversity and Equality

✻ All of you is welcome here

✻ Anti-Racism

✻ Get comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Module Three - CONNECTION

✻ Creating Safer Spaces

✻ Consent & Boundaries

✻ Deep Listening - Heart Meditation

✻ Sacred Contracts and Agreements


✻ Guest Facilitator - Jen Moss

✻ Designing the circle that makes your heart sing

✻ What we are not!

✻ Self Care - your journey and self practice

✻ Moon Phases and Altars - Time for Circle

Module Five - CREATION

✻ Elements & Principles of Circle

✻ Deep Sharing Space & Timings

✻ The Art of Reflection

✻ Ethical Circle

✻ Code of Practice - Sacred Agreement

Module Six - RE-BIRTH

✻ Guest Facilitator - Jax Bull

✻ Introduction to the power of Breath-Work

✻ Clearing your own triggers

✻ Trauma Informed Practice

✻ Releasing & Reconnecting - Who are YOU?

Module Seven - LANDING

✻ Integration of all you have learnt

✻ Grounding & Preparing

✻ Your first circle

✻ Group Facilitation & Community Circles

✻ Your Commitment to self & other

Module Eight - THRIVING

✻ Creating a thriving circle

✻ Building a soul led business

✻ Clear messaging and branding

✻ Soul-Full Marketing

Is This Training for me?

Are you inspired to lead women’s circles, retreats, or enhance your classes with meaningful, soulful connections? Do you envision collaborating with others to create a supportive and transformative environment? If so, our facilitator training is designed just for you.

This training is for you if:

  • You feel a deep calling to facilitate sisterhood and create a positive impact in the world.
    You're driven by a desire to bring women together in meaningful ways, fostering genuine connections and community.

  • You aim to lead groups in a manner that is soul-led, nurturing and purpose-driven.
    You want to create spaces that are not only supportive but also enrich the lives of those who participate.

  • You want to contribute to a global movement of women spreading the magic of circle and healing the deep wounds, that keep us from fostering like-hearted connections.
    Joining this training means becoming part of a larger mission to promote healing, learning, and respect across communities worldwide.

  • You strive to embody empowerment and elegance in your role as a leader and facilitator.
    You aim to enhance your leadership abilities, embracing both confidence and compassion in your approach.

  • You are ready for a journey of personal transformation and discovery.
    This training isn’t just about facilitating; it's about your own growth and evolution as you prepare to guide others.

  • You want a structured, proven program that offers guidance and support within a vibrant community.
    Our training provides a comprehensive framework, backed by a supportive network of like-minded women, ensuring you feel prepared and confident to facilitate in the world.

If you resonate with these aspirations and are ready to embark on this enriching journey, our facilitator training will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and support to succeed.

Join us and become part of a movement dedicated to healing, connection, and empowerment. Together, we can create a kinder, more compassionate world.

Your investment, Retreat and Dates for your diary!

We are so excited that you are considering joining us on this transformative journey. Here, you can secure your spot by making a full payment, our preferred option, as it helps us plan effectively and allocate angel spaces to women who otherwise couldn't afford this opportunity.

Investment Options:

  • Full Course Payment: £707

  • Retreats: £295 each

  • All Inclusive Payment, Full Course and Retreats: £1295

If these options don’t work for you, you need to pay in instalments, reach out and lets find a solution for you, please email us at with "I'M READY" in the title, Money should never be a barrier to doing this important work, as long as you are fully committed with your time and energy, then we can find a way.

Course Dates:

  • Opening Circle: Saturday, 21st September, 11am - 12:30pm (Zoom)

  • Circle with Laura: Tuesday, 24th September

  • Circle with Laura: Sunday, 13th October 11am with Laura

  • Module One - Arriving : Tuesday, 22nd October with Laura

  • Module Two - Awakening: Tuesday, 5th November (with Guest Tanya Forgan)

  • Module Three - Connection: Tuesday, 19th November (with Guest Jez Peters)

  • Circle with Laura: Tuesday, 3rd December

  • Module Four - Authentically YOU: Tuesday, 10th December (with Guest Jen Moss)

  • Module Five - Creation: Tuesday, 14th January (with Laura)

  • Module Six - Re-Birth: Tuesday, 28th January (with Guest Jax Bull)

  • Module Seven - Landing: Tuesday, 11th February (with Laura)

  • Module Eight - Thriving: Tuesday, 25th February (with Guest Amanda DH)

  • Session Nine - Completion and First Circle Preparation: Tuesday, 11th March

  • Closing Circle: Saturday, 22nd March

Retreat Dates:

  • Friday, 4th October - Sunday, 6th October 2024

  • Friday, 28th March - Sunday, 30th March 2025

  • Both retreats will take place at Hazelhill Wood Nr Salisbury. SP5 1AU

Your Investment Includes:

  • Full 6-month training course.

  • Meeting every two weeks on zoom, with a month to dive into self care over the xmas period.

  • Comprehensive training manual.

  • Lifetime access to all recordings.

  • Two all-inclusive retreats (optional at extra cost, you are encouraged to take part in these retreats as a deeper dive into sisterhood, safer spaces and to witness circle in action).

  • WhatsApp private group for peer connection.

  • Two one-on-one sessions with Creatrix Laura Ireland.

  • Your own one to one peer connection and pod to learn within.

  • Regular opportunities to participate in circles.

  • Ongoing support, networking, and promotion opportunities within the Sacred Sister Community.

  • A transformative & empowering journey to become the leader you wish to be in your community, to deepen your relationship with yourself, and to gain a belief in the ability of who you are.

We do not offer early bird discounts or charge extra for instalments to ensure fairness. Each course is limited in number to maintain an intimate and supportive environment. For every course, we offer two angel places to women who are drawn to the training without means to finance it in this moment. To be considered for an angel place, email us at

To secure your spot, make the full payment or commit with a £100 deposit if opting for instalments. All payments should be completed by the end of the course. No refunds will be issued if you leave the course early, and you will be expected to complete the full payment.

We look forward to taking this journey with you. Saying YES to this training is a significant step in showing up for yourself and for women everywhere. Thank you for hearing the calling. Now is the only time there ever is……..

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Fortnightly on a Tuesday evening 7pm - 9pm starting on the 24th September 2024

  • They will be recorded and shared with the group, but this is not the preferred method of learning. You presence is required on the live sessions, as there will be much to learn from being in the space together. The recordings are for you to watch again, to have for the future and to be available should there be no choice but to miss a session, but this should be avoided where possible.

  • Yes you can pay in instalments, you can sign up with three different options for payment. We have made this price as low as possible for the training and therefore payment in full would be our preference. However, money should never be a reason for you to not do what makes your heart sing, so please drop us an email for a chat & lets see what we can work out.

  • The training will take place over 12 sessions, taking us up to Spring Equinox 2025 where we will complete with a celebration of your first circle, and the end of the training together.

  • You will get a certificate of attendance on the course, if you have been available on the live classes and completed the worksheets in the training companion. We will be looking to get certification accreditation, and once this is agreed, there will be an option to take part in some additional training, case studies to be completed, and then you will be able to go for full certification.

  • Absolutely, this training will give you all the tools you need to be able to confidently step into the world and hold your own sister circles. With our full support & follow up connections.